Guitar shielding paint is a conductive paint used to shield the electronic components of the guitar in the cavity. If the guitar electronics is not properly shielded, it will produce hum when subjected to outside interference. Making the guitar as quiet as possible is one of the best modification you can do to really hear its pure sound. This is one of the best DIY modification you can do to your guitar.
What is a Conductive Paint?
A conductive paint is a type of paint will conduct a small amount of electricity. This paint is very good for shielding the electronic components of the guitar. When you check the painted surface with an Ohmmeter, you can actually read some resistance which means it has continuity.
Is this Better than Copper Foils?
I prefer this method than the copper foils as it looks more professional and easier to do and does the job best at shielding the guitar. You will be amazed how effective this conductive paint in shielding your guitar.
This is also much easier to use on tight spots than a copper foil. Copper foils are very hard on corners, and it doesn’t look professional. It will also give your guitar a homemade look.
Can it be Used at the Back of Pickguards Instead of Copper Foils?
It can be used, and it will be more effective. It is easier to just paint the area using the conductive paint than cutting a place of copper foil and sticking it in place. The shielding paint will do the job better, and it will save time as well.
Is it Easy to Apply?
It is very easy to apply plus it is easy to clean the mess as it is water based. It is cleanable by water while wet. Most mid-level to high-end guitars are shielded using these paints. It will not hurt if you add more coats in the electronics cavity as it will give more shielding.
Anytime you work something in the cavities, and you remove some of the paint, it advisable to put a couple of coats before you put the electronics back.
Anytime you route your cavities, you should coat the bare wood with this paint to shield that newly exposed area. The conductive paint should be applied on pickup cavities, control cavities, and the cable jack hole.
Using conductive paint is my preferred methods of shielding the electronic cavities of guitars. It will create a Faraday Cage to shield the guitar electronics from outside interference effectively. This paint is easier to use looks more professional and a very easy to do it yourself modification.
So go ahead and silence that beast, and you will be grateful to hear the real sound of that guitar. I have been using this conductive paint on all my personal guitars and on my customer’s guitars as well.
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Hello. I really enjoyed your article on the conductive shielding paint. I have played acoustic guitar for 8+ years but haven’t gotten much in to electric guitars. For acoustic guitars, we use a sound hole cover to reduce feedback which sounds like a similar purpose the shielding paint has for electric guitars.
I agree with you that they share the same purpose which is to make the guitar produce the purist sound possible. The difference is that Guitar Shielding will prevent outside interference from affecting the electric guitar sound while the sound hole cover will filter the sound of the acoustic guitar from within the guitar itself and both will make the guitar produce a better sound.
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