Guitar shielding paint is a conductive paint used to shield the electronic components of the guitar in the cavity. If the guitar electronics is not properly shielded, it will produce hum when subjected to outside interference. Making the guitar as quiet as possible is one of the best modification you can do to really hear […]
Squier Standard Stratocaster Review
My Squier Standard Stratocaster review. Are you looking for a good beginner guitar? This guitar could be your best choice. Squier series guitars are the entry level guitars of Fender. Although these are cheaper guitars they have produced, they are manufactured and guaranteed by Fender. Please click on the image for more information. Squier by […]
What is a Guitar Pickup?
What is a guitar pickup? A guitar pickup is the component of a guitar that transforms the vibrations of the guitar strings into a signal that will produce the sound of the guitar. What are the types of Guitar Pickups? Guitar pickup types are plenty that a player could choose nowadays. They can either choose […]
What is Fret Leveling?
This post is about what is fret leveling. If the guitar frets are not level, it is one of the causes of guitar fret buzz. Fret leveling is the process of filing the higher frets to even it thereby eliminating guitar fret buzz. It requires some tools as well as some materials to perform such […]
What is a Cutaway Guitar?
What is a cutaway guitar? It is an acoustic guitar with a cut out in the lower section to allow the players to reach the higher frets. This design is the big advantage it has over the non-cutaways or what we call as the standard acoustic guitars.Does it have a disadvantage? Acoustic guitars rely in […]
Learning How to Play Guitar Scales
Learning how to play guitar scales is one of the steps to become a lead guitar player. Most guitar players have that desire to play lead guitar. Who would not? A lead guitar solo or a guitar instrumental is always a show stealer. Please check our jam with my wife who plays bass and my teenage […]